9 Things Designers Never Spend More Than $10 On - Danielle Blundell

Posted by on Tuesday, July 10th, 2018  5:00pm.

When it comes to design, throwing money at a project never hurts. But I'm far more impressed when people actually don't spend a small fortune on a room. I love hearing when high-end decorators have used IKEA and you'd never know it. Or where they found a piece on the side of a road and rehabbed it. I mean, you can't buy a storied past for a designer piece, am I right? But don't get me wrong—I'm all for a splurge. But lately I've found myself wondering what designers really don't find it at all worthwhile spending dough on, even if they or their clients have it by the boatload. And so I bring you a designer-approved laundry list of stuff not to go for broke on, because, well, there's no reason to.
