Hiring experienced and professional real estate agents can be a huge help while buying or selling home in Edmonton. But, inexperienced or bad real estate agents can make your life and the entire process difficult. You don’t have to work with undesired agents when you are unhappy with them.
Some reasons why you must get rid of your real estate agent:
Lack of communication and availability
Lack of real estate market knowledge and expertise
Rude or unprofessional behavior
Unaware of local real estate code of ethics
Not keeping up the commitments
Partiality towards a particular property
You are moving to a new location
No matter how undesired or unprofessional your real estate agent is, you simply cannot fire him and breach your contract, if any. This move can put you in legal problems. Here are the three best ways to get rid of them easily and not look like a bad person.
How to get rid of your real estate agent
Talk to the agent
The best way to get rid of bad real estate agents is to talk to them, explain your concerns and complains to them, and end-up on good terms. Set a meeting with your real estate and tell them what went wrong. They may try to convince you and assure you of good service in the future. If you are sure you don’t want to work with them anymore, be adamant on your point and let them go.
Wait for contact expiry
If you have a contract with your agent and it is about to expire in some time, then wait for a little more. Let the contract end and you will be able to get rid of the undesired agent without putting any efforts from your side. Try to push the deadlines a little further and wait for buying or selling your home till the contract ends. Once the contract ends, you can hire an experienced agent and complete your task with them.
Talk to agent’s broker
If the agent refuses to end the contract or discontinue working with you, talk to the broker or company through which you hired the agent. Explain the reason of your unhappy experience with the agent and try to get a new one. Give them solid reasons or else they won’t agree to the termination of the contract or release from the agent.
If you are planning to hire experienced real estate agents in Edmonton, we are right here. We are aware of various real estate rules and code of ethics and provide flexible and timely services to our clients.
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