Spring is in the air, the birds are chirping and the white is slowly turning to green. It’s exciting giving your home a fresh new look when winter is over. Here are some tips for your spring cleaning.

Organize Closets and Dressers: Get rid of clothes that don’t fit, or attire you no longer use. The best way to clean out a closet is to donate unused items. Organize accessories into baskets or cubby holes separated by the type of accessory (pants, shirt or belts).

Clean Walls and Baseboards: Scrub a little dish washing soap and water on a sponge or cloth over your baseboards, casings and walls to clean them up. Make sure to rinse the wall with warm water afterward.

Clean Carpets: In order to give your carpets a long life and brighten them up, it’s a good idea to clean them yearly. I find the best way to thoroughly clean carpets is with a steam cleaner.

Wash Windows: It’s sometimes tricky to get in all the nooks and crannies of your window frames but it’s an easy way to freshen up the house. Afterwards, use a streak free window cleaner to produce clear results.

Clean the Fridge and the Oven: Ovens usually have a self-cleaning option. For the fridge, use vinegar and warm water, and get rid of all expired items.

Clean and Organize the Cupboards: The kitchen, bathroom, and laundry room cupboards typically collect all sorts of stuff. Clean out no longer used items, and organize the rest so everything is easily accessible.

Clean Behind the Fridge and Stove: Dirt, hair, garbage, and dust all get trapped underneath and behind the fridge and stove. Move the appliances out and vacuum and wipe the area.

Organize Toys: When the kids are not around, clear out old toys that aren’t being used and donate them to a local charity. The rest of the toys can be organized into baskets or other storage bins. 


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