Found 3 blog entries tagged as buy.

Not much is written about HOW - TO successfully flip homes in Calgary.  Most agents just point you to some cheap homes, and say, fix them, sell them for more.  I think there has to be more to it.  More science.  More of a guide.  More steps.  So, I set out to start.  This is what I do for my FLIP clients.  Your agent might have other concepts, but this is what I consider advanced.

Here are my rules:

  1. buy in a good location
    1. ensure the home isn't on a major road and/or backs to major road.
  2. focus on the older areas. Think of the homes we grew up in or our grandparents owned.  Typically large lots.  Typically bungalows
  3. use area VALUE CHARTS to quickly identify which areas are possible to flip
  4. next, ensure that even if the value chart…

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Renting Vs. Buying

There are many pros and cons to both renting and buying a home, and both need to be weighed equally depending on your current life and financial situation. Ultimately, you will have to determine what is in your best interest.


You are not responsible for fixing or replacing anything associated with the home, like the furnace, water heater, appliances, or roof.

You are not responsible for paying the property taxes.

You may find that your living expenses are lower because you do not have to worry about the extra costs that come with owning a home.

You don’t have to worry about the housing market taking a downturn.

Renting an apartment or sharing a home means dealing with people living below, above,…

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People process large decisions differently.

Most of the time relationships work because your partner tends to balance you out. This also means that you and your partner will have different points of view on certain things, and at time can drive each other bonkers. 

In most cases, you and your partner will argue when buying or selling a property. You and your partner are unique, but you're not alone. This is a high stress situation and can be very emotional. So let's talk about how to stay together while looking for a property!

**Note: I (Sandi Hegland) do not hold a psychology degree. I've helped a lot of couples buy homes and have mediated tons of arguments. I have shoved many bottles of wine into client's hands and assigned the homework:…

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