Found 29 blog entries tagged as home.

Dear Reader,

When we walk outside our doors this time of year, it’s not uncommon to be spooked by the haunted sights and sounds around our neighbourhood. While that’s all in good fun, other spooky sights and sounds around your home might not be. For example, maybe you are spooked by a toilet that has suddenly started making strange noises, or you hear a dripping sound from a faucet in the middle of the night that sends shivers up your spine. You may need a plumber if any of those spooky sounds haunt you. If that’s the case, I want you to know you don’t have to be in the dark looking for a plumber or any other contractor you may need. I have a full list of reputable contractors I can recommend for whatever spooky sounds or sights you may discover around…

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Dear Reader,

I hope you had a wonderful summer filled with happy memories and lots of vitamin D. With fall quickly approaching, cooler days begin to creep up on us. As the weather begins to cool, studies have shown our productivity increases, since our bodies don’t need to work as hard to maintain their internal temperature, freeing up our energy to be productive.

Maybe that productivity has you considering a fall reno project. The fall is a good time to scan your home and ask yourself what repairs or replacements are needed before they pile up on each other. Or maybe you have been considering a home improvement that has been on your wish list, like an updated bathroom.

Whether it’s a necessary home maintenance project or more of an improvement…

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When you think about selling your property, do you dwell on the possible work and stress involved? You're not alone. Many homeowners share the same concerns.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

In fact, there are plenty of ways to add some fun, anticipation, and even a sense of adventure to the selling process. Here are just a few ideas:

  1.     Plan fun things to do when your home is being shown. That can include walks, sports activities, or trying something you and your family have never done before.
  2.     Declutter for your own benefit. Instead of thinking about decluttering as a chore required for the sale, focus instead on how much more comfortable your home will be after decluttering. Studies consistently show that less clutter…

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What is it about your property that stands out? What will buyers like most about it? What are the most enticing features if your home?


Answering those questions will help you determine which features to emphasize when selling your home. After all, you want buyers to notice and appreciate your property’s best characteristics.


But here’s the challenge...


It can be difficult to determine which features of your home are particularly desirable to buyers. You live there! So, there might be a fantastic characteristic of your property that you’ve gotten used to. You might not even realize its true value.


One way to gain perspective is to ask friends, “What is it about our home that you like most? What stands out to you?”…

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Care and Maintenance of Roofs, Gutters and Siding



Asphalt roofing will last about 15 years, so it’s important that it is properly maintained to get the most out of your roof.

Once per year, check the roof and take care of any issues that might cause major damage down the road. If you can, hire a professional to inspect the roof. You can get on a ladder to do it yourself, but make sure that safety is the number one priority. In some cases, you can check for any issues from ground level by using binoculars.

Things to look for:

Buckling, curling, broken, or missing shingles: Single shingles can easily be replaced.
Cracked rubber boots around the vent piping
Any moss or lichen indicating roof decay
Cracked caulking and rust around the…

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Tips for Organizing Paperwork - Complete Shredding Solutions


Imagine you’re viewing a home for sale. You venture to the basement, check out the furnace room, and notice the water heater. Is it owned or rented? As a potential buyer, you’d want to know. 

Now imagine a property you’re viewing has a brand-new gas fireplace. Nice! Is it under warranty? Is that warranty transferrable to you if you buy the home? Again, you’d want to know.

So, when you’re selling, it’s important to pull together all the necessary records you will need in order to answer these types of buyer questions. After all, if a particular warranty transfers to the new owner, that’s a selling point.

Take the time to find receipts, warranty certificates, and other documents related to:


  •          Renovations (such as a…

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What You Need to Obtain a Mortgage

A home purchase is one of the largest assets and the biggest debt that a person will have. If this is your first time obtaining mortgage, then there are a few things that you need to know about what is required to qualify.

Credit History: How is your current credit and how has it been in the past? Your financial institution will look at your rating, and that everything is in good standing. If you are able to manage your debt, then it reflects on your ability to manage house payments.

Debt Load: What are your liabilities? How much debt do you have? Your financial institution will look at the amount that you owe compared to the amount that you earn. Your debts should not exceed 40 to 42 % of your gross…

66 Views, 0 Comments



You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Your front walkway is one of the first sections of real estate a buyer will set foot on when coming to see your home. So, it makes sense to make that pathway to your front door as appealing as possible.


The obvious way is to make it as clean and clear as you can. Ensure there are no obstacles in the way, such as overhanging branches, kid's toys, or potted plants. What you want is a clear, unobstructed and pleasant walk to your main entranceway.


If your walkway needs deeper cleaning, consider a power-wash. There are special detergents available that are designed specifically for stone, asphalt or cement walkways and other outdoor surfaces.


A deep cleaning isn't a…

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