Found 2 blog entries tagged as Home Renovation.

What if your Ideal Home Isn't Available?

Imagine you're looking for a new home. You have a list of all the features you want, just like you would have a grocery shopping list. However, when you explore the homes currently on the market, none meets all your criteria.

What do you do? You have a few good options.

First, you can take a second look at your list. Does your new home need every single feature on it? Are there one or two features you can do without? For example, can you settle for a smaller kitchen assuming the property has everything else you want?

Often, buying a home that's close to perfect is perfect enough. 

Second, consider what features you might be able to add to a home later, by way of a renovation or other improvement. If…

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Radon Asbestos & DNA

Home owners are availing themselves of lab science due to factors such as increased awareness of Radon, the leading cause of lung Cancer in non-smoking Canadians, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. As well asbestos encountered during renovations from Drywall, Drywall mud, textured ceilings, heat duct tape, ceiling tiles and older square stick on floor tiles to name a few have home owners looking for cost effective solutions to avoid exposure. Add to that increased advances in DNA research which can be used to determine areas where a person may be predisposed to certain health conditions and through supervised protocols improve health, it is not a stretch to assume an increase in demand for these tests.

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