Found 7 blog entries tagged as realestate.

Real Estate Market Value

The concepts of Market Value and Purchasing Price!

Market Value

  • Market Value, often referred to as Fair Market Value, is the estimated amount for which a property or an item would trade in a competitive and open market environment.
  • It reflects the price that a willing buyer and a willing seller, both having reasonable knowledge of all relevant facts and neither being under any compulsion to buy or sell, would agree upon.
  • Market value can fluctuate based on demand, economic conditions, and other market dynamics.  

Purchasing Price ( Purchase Price ) 

  • The Purchasing Price is the actual amount paid for a product or service at the time of buying. It is the cost at which someone acquires an asset, commodity, service, or…

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From November 17th 2020 (Today) to January 31st 2021, Let's create an impact in the fight towards Diabetes. Help us fill our office with your gently used clothes, household items and electronics by donating them to Diabetes Canada.

If you're like us and you know that the Holiday Season is right around the corner, you're already beginning to purge your household items that you no longer need. Instead of throwing them away, bag them (we will even provide you with the bags) and then let us know when they're ready to be picked up. We will take care of the rest for you, simple as that!

What can be donated you ask?


â—¦ Accessories and bags

â—¦ Clothing (all types)

â—¦ Curtains

â—¦ General cloth items - bedding and bath items

â—¦ Shoes…

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What comes to mind when you hear the words "Moving Day"? Possibly a combination of excitement & stress?! When people are moving it can be for a variety of reasons, positive ones like buying the house you've always wanted, or moving to a fresh new city. It can also be for a negative reason such as a divorce, or job loss. Whatever the reason moving has tasks that can help make it less stressful. Here are a few tips to help with your move: 

Before the move: 

  • Do your research on the moving companies in the area. Unfortunately, not all moving companies are the same. Check their reviews. You want to ensure your movers take good care of your things. 
  • Pack the things you need right away in clear boxes & place to one side of your home. Makes it…

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We're in the final stretch of winter and spring is so close I can almost feel it. Although, that may just be another chinook on the horizon. Whether you're counting down the days to warmer weather or trying to sneak in one last ski day, one thing we all may have in common are those winter blues. I've compiled a list of 5 things you can do to get you through the last cold month.

1. Get outside! Lack of sunlight can cause a drop in your serotonin levels and a rise in melatonin levels resulting in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

2. Eat wholesome foods! What we eat has so much more to do with our moods than we think. Give your body foods rich in vitamins and drink your water! You will be pleasantly surprised by your improved mood.


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21 Realtor Secrets for Selling you North Edmonton Home For More Money


I specialize in selling homes in Edmonton and have identified some specific trends happening in north Edmonton real estate that can tremendously benefit homeowners.


There are some tactics you can use to ensure you are getting the most money out of your home when you are selling. Some of these tactics are dependant on the property type you have and I will outline those in another article.


I have been involved in real estate for over 20 years in the Edmonton market and have been tracking what work and what doesn’t on spreadsheets in order to maximize and identify the tactics I can use to get my clients more money in their pockets.


Here are some of…

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