House owners mostly prefer various houseplants to increase the beauty of the house. Also, houseplants bring color and freshness to your house. Apart from standing out from all the houses in Edmonton real estate listings, these houseplants are also easy to grow and maintain. Following are some plants that you can use to increase the aesthetics of your house.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is very easy to maintain and just needs little space with bright sunlight. Also, the gel from aloe vera stems will give you glowing skin and provide many other medical benefits. As you just need to water the plant once in two weeks, it’s very easy to keep the plant fresh for a longer time.



Friendship trees or lucky plant, call it by any name, jade is the most commonly found plant in most household. Jade plants grow in bright sunlight and need very little water to grow. Also, jade plants help purify the air around making your house feel more fresh and vibrant.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

Snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue has long and dense leaves. There are many shades of green that are available to select from based on your house interiors. These plants can survive with fluorescent light and very less water. Also, they are a great option to purify the air along with giving an aesthetic appeal to your house.

Peace Lily

Peace lily

With dark leaves and beautifully shaped white flowers, these plants are very easy to grow. These plants require less light and moist soil, making it a great option to place in rooms with few windows. Also, the white flowers add a sense of peace in the room it is placed.

ZZ Plant

ZZ Plant

One of the easiest plants to grow and maintain on the whole list is the ZZ plant. These plants can survive in any condition and hence, can be placed in dark rooms too. With very little amount of water needed, these sturdy and glossy plants help tackle different allergies and purify the air.

Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Found since ages in most households, spider plants add visual interest to your interiors. These plants can survive even with little water. So, you do not have to worry if you forget to water them frequently. Also, they help remove benzene,carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air.


Philodendron, meaning tree lover are beautiful vines that are ideal for homes that receive less sunlight. It helps remove volatile organic compounds from the air. Also, these plants bloom once every year.

Some other plants which you can grow in your house are English Ivy, Medinilla, Nerve plant, and Pothos, to name a few. If you are planning to buy a new house, having these plants will help make your house more appealing and lively. You can always refer the Edmonton real estate listings when planning to buy a new house.
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