What Buyers Don’t Want to See in Your Backyard

Posted by Billy Peshke on Monday, October 5th, 2015  1:57pm.

When you put your home up for sale, you want it to look its best to potential buyers. That’s why you clean, tidy and de-clutter every room. 

 Some sellers, however, miss the backyard. You need to pay just as much attention to that space as you do to the interior of your home. The backyard is as important a living space as the family room. To some buyers, even more.  Buyers want to see an attractive backyard space, with the grass cut and the hedges trimmed. The more neat and tidy you can make it, the better.

 Be sure to sweep walkways and wipe down patio furniture.  Also, watch out for the following things that buyers do not want to see:

• Bags of garage and other waste.

• Doggie do-do. (Be sure to stoop and scoop!)

• Rakes and other tools piled in the corner.

• Cluttered and disorganized storage sheds, pool huts and other backyard structures.

• Weeds in the flower beds.

• Items stored underneath the deck.

• Hoses not stowed neatly.

• Electrical outlets and water faucets that don’t work.  

 These are not difficult issues to fix. Doing so will positively impact the impression the buyer gets of your backyard.  Do you have a backyard that shows particularly well in the summer? Here’s a tip: Take pictures. Those photos will help buyers be able to appreciate how it looks should you list your home in the winter. 

 Want more tips on making your home show well so that it sells fast? Call The Peshke Real Estate Team today! Billy Peshke 403-466-8353, Yasin Peshke 403-681-0319, Meagan Pederson 403-874-0085.