We know it is coming, we know it does every year! There is not way to avoid it, (unless your wealthy enough to go somewhere hot for the entire Winter). So let us make the best of it.

Some people are under the misconception that when Winter arrives, that selling their home will be more difficult. This really is not true, there maybe less inventory in the Winter, but there are still buyers needing to move or transfer in from other Provinces or Countries. Having less inventory is actually beneficial to you the seller.

Selling  your home is a passion of mine, and marketing your home is still very important in the Winter as it is in the Summer. You need a marketing plan suited for the type of home. Presentation is the key, with crisp and clear photos, detailed and concise descriptions, and showing that home appeal. Signage, exposure are part of the package. Knowing your market and your Realtor is another. Let us help you buy or sell home with confidence in us and our marketing expertise.

Should you wish more information, please by all means write, text, email, drop in to our office, Facebook messenger, Facetime, however you wish to contact.



Nicholas Jack

Maxwell Polaris

4107-99 Street

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